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Innovative and Natural Approaches for Successful Kidney Stone Treatment

In the present Days, many people suffer from Kidney Stone Treatment. This problem is more likely to cause the body to decrease and the concentration of salts in the body is likely to cause stones. The kidneys play a major role in protecting the human body, protecting the balance of the salts in the body and reduces the amount of water in the body. This problem is serious in the summer.

Causes of Kidney stones

kidney stone treatment

There are many reasons for the formation of kidney stones. Some of them are some genetic infections. Types in stones

Some of the most important types of stones in the kidneys are calcium ages, calcium phosphate, silicon stones, uric acid stones, etc. If the kidney stones are not diagnosed in a timely manner, the urinary tract problems can be disturbed and the urinary tract problems are severe. Symptoms

The kidney stones are in different sizes. These are severe pain before they reach the bladder through the bladder. Pain is unbearable due to the presence of various angles rather than smoothly, and when they slip or move. Bleeding can cause stones to fall into the stones. So blood is emitted in the urine.


Treatment For Kidney Stone Treatment:

If the homeo medicines are used in the early stage of diagnosis then surgery can be avoided. Rarely do stones recur. For such people, repeated use of homeo medicines according to philosophy stops stones from coming.

Medicines for Kidney Stone Treatment:

Lycopodium: This medicine is considered for stone formation in the right kidney. Pain occurs on the right side of the kidney. Urine is brick colored. People with this persona liti look thin. They take slow steps in their daily life. A little nervous on a mental level. Fear delays decision making even when capable. This medicine is important for such people.

Berberis vulgaris : starting pain in left kidney side

Spreading forward, the pain is burning and unbearable. Similar symptoms are present on the left side This drug is considered for kidney stones.


Kidney stones can make urination painful due to infection. This medicine should be considered for those who have symptoms like burning and stinging pain during urination.


Urine is dark and dropsy. Urine is passed more often. Urine is red in color and feels burning. This medicine can be used in such cases.


The pain is severe and pain occurs with any movement. In such cases, this medicine can be beneficial.

Apart from these medicines, medicines like Hydrangea, Nakswamika, Thuja, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Tabacum can be treated without surgery for kidney stones if treated with consideration of the symptoms.

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